Allen Matkins Law Firm to Join with California Dentists to Take a Stand Against Insurance Company Claim Denials

With COVID-19 and government orders drastically reshaping the market, and preventing the practice of dentistry, relying on your insurance policy to recover lost income has never been more important. Whether you are unsure of your policy provisions, or have already tendered a claim and have been denied, this no-cost webinar will help further educate you on your rights as a California dentist as it relates to your insurance company. This webinar will also provide important details on how Allen Matkins and our highly experienced Insurance Recovery Group plan to team with a group of California dentists (which we hope includes you) to immediately assert important claims against insurance companies for issuing blanket denials of claims for the massive losses suffered.

Dentists everywhere are in a very difficult and dangerous position (given the nature of the practice, the proximity to patients, the generation of aerosols, etc.) and are likely to continue to suffer damages and loss of income. Notwithstanding, California dentists have been under-represented in the fight against recalcitrant insurance companies that have collected billions of dollars in premiums only to now not cover claims. Allen Matkins' Insurance Recovery Group and a study group of dentists have spent hours discussing how to change this!

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Our Speakers


Michael J. Betz

(415) 273-7453


Thomas E. Gibbs

(949) 851-5417

Valentine S. Hoy

(619) 235-1521

Scott J. Leipzig

(310) 788-2477